KISS B -SAIBABA- There is no beef between me and anyone for now


[01:36, 3/1/2018] Kiss B: Through out my music career ,I’ve been taught to be humble and respectful. I heard a lot rappers, compared and made Kiss-b Sai Ba Ba the Greatest. I’ve always been misquoted in most of my songs when I mention a certain word or something am always misunderstood, but I want to make one thing clear that, there is nothing personal and the music I do is for my fans, #THETEAMSAIBABA. To all my fans I just want you to know that there is no beef between me and anyone for now.
To all the promoters and the music houses that plays my music I just want to say Sancho Epashili Pakuleka and to ALL my fans that has been supporting me since day one, lets keep on pushing #THESAIBABAMOVEMENT .